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So one of the guys in Adam's flight lives across the street and is letting us use his wireless! Now I don't have to worry about someone stealing our info or the connection failing all of a sudden. Our internet is supposed to be installed in a couple weeks and then we'll have our vonage up and running...

Spent 3 days dealing with curtains for our giant slider windows in the townhouse... it was a total pain. I was so sick of looking at curtains! I did get some really neat curtains for Peyton's room though. Adam accidentally took our camera card reader to work with him so I can't post the pics of her curtains right now. :(
Lots going on right now, we're getting a giant piece of carpet to use as an area rug delivered for the living room today, Peyton should be getting an exersaucer later tonight and Adam's got his appointment to figure out government loaner furniture. Once we get some furniture in the townhouse I'll post pics but right now it's just a mess! The living room is bare, Peyton's room has a futon mattress on the floor and her crib at the foot of it and then our room's got a complete bedroom set that we got a steal on (2 nightstands, queen bed, chest and dresser with mirror for $900!) but won't have a mattress for until our stuff comes, which isn't expected until November 30th or later.
In the meantime here are some photo's I've been meaning to post...
This was on the Sunabe sea wall right by our house... there are restaurants and cafe's along the wall that we can walk to.

Okinawan's are somewhat superstitious- these are called Shisa and they're always in pairs on rooftops and one always has it's mouth open and the other has it's mouth closed. They're supposed to ward off evil spirits, the way it was explained to me the one with it's mouth closed holds in the good spirits and the one with it's mouth open turns away bad spirits.

These were some crabs we saw while walking the sea wall...
Here is an edited version of this pic...


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