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Showing posts from February, 2014

New Adventure...

We found out last week we will be leaving Okinawa soon. Our EFMP reassignment came through and they are relocating us to the states so Keira can get the audiology care she needs. Technically we are only leaving 6 months ahead of schedule but it feels like our time on Okinawa has been cut drastically short. I guess partly because our PCS back stateside is a whirlwind one, typically you have 4 months to prepare. Though we are excited to start this new chapter in our lives, I can not express how much we will miss Okinawa and the wonderful people we've met here. The past 3 1/2 years here have been great. The people (our awesome neighbors!), food, scenery... a piece of my heart will always remain in Okinawa. Arigato gozaimasu! 7 months :) Keira 7 months White eye on a cherry blossom tree. Pretty cosmos flowers Keira Mae at 7 months. Not too fond of headbands anymore... Peyton enjoying the sunset Sunset off the seawall