So we got a car yesterday! Yay! It's a 2001 Nissan Skyline. Most of you have probably never heard of it! As is the case with all the other cars over here! It was a toss up for me between the Skyline and a Toyota Windom that was for sale. I really liked the Toyota but by the time we got our licenses and etc. the Windom was sold. I do like the Skyline too, it's nice. It's definitely more Adams car than mine... I'm still afraid to drive! I drove it last night for about 10 minutes and that's it! It's very different driving on the left! I already told Adam it will be a while before I feel confidant enough to drive off base!
Other than the car we've just been busy figuring out things we need to do and whatnot. I'm amazed at how great Peyton has adapted during this whole process. She really has been the best baby I could ever ask for! This is a pic I found when I was going through the car pics of her the other day in the big girl high chair! She was all excited, I still need to edit it but here it is...
Here are some pics of the car as well as a few landscapes from the TLF building...
Other than the car we've just been busy figuring out things we need to do and whatnot. I'm amazed at how great Peyton has adapted during this whole process. She really has been the best baby I could ever ask for! This is a pic I found when I was going through the car pics of her the other day in the big girl high chair! She was all excited, I still need to edit it but here it is...
Here are some pics of the car as well as a few landscapes from the TLF building...
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