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Life begins...

Wow, sorry I haven't updated in a few days! The TLF we're staying in doesn't have internet service so we've either got to be at a friends or walk to the BX, library or Banyan Tree(restaurant on base).
We went off base yesterday to Jusco(mall like store) and the 100 yen store!! It was great! I LOVE the yen store! So far all the Japanese we've encountered have been extremely nice and helpful! We've already picked up how to say thank you very much!
Haven't really had time to take a whole lot of pics, no people pics yet- when we went off base yesterday we didn't have our good camera- I've got some on my Japanese cell phone but we don't have the SD card adapter to look at them on the computer until the movers come. Got a lot going on right now, briefings, getting driving licenses, generally figuring stuff out so I'm not sure if I'll get to answering some of the emails in my inbox for a while.
Here are a couple shots I took around the TLF building though...


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