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So we are stuck in Seattle! As of now we should be flying out in the early morning hours Friday. One upside however we got to sleep in a great bed last night- our hotel is pretty darn nice! We got a room with a king bed and a view of the atrium area! Here are just a couple shots I took of Peyton chillin' in the big ole bed this morning watching cartoons and a pic of the atrium outside our sliding door...

We're thinking we are probably going to get stuck in mainland Japan tomorrow because our friends in Okinawa have told us a Cat 2 typhoon is hitting the island Saturday. Doubt we'll be flying into a typhoon so we may be updating the blog from the mainland next!!
Love to all...


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So Saturday evening we went down to Comprehensive park to check it out and see what it was all about. The park has a WHOLE lot to offer! There are TONS of stuff, we only saw about a 1/4 of the park. Peyton got to play her little heart out! As for Tabby, he's still on 6 pills a day. He seems to be getting some of his spunk back...we've got another appointment on Saturday for an ultrasound to check his heart. I went bow crazy and got Peyton this headband. I have other pics I will post later. Playing hard! Loving on Tabby.