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Photos Galore!

So it's been a while since I've updated the blog! Not too much new going on, still hot and humid! ;) Saturday we went to a birthday party and they had a bounce house, Peyton fell in love!
A little farther down Peyton is playing with cookie cutters in dough, that's homemade play dough! I didn't have food coloring at the time so it was bland looking... for those of you interested here is the site I got the recipe off of...
Getting stuck in her lego basket

Ready to hit the park!

Being a goof before hitting the park!

Tasting some tasty creation she made in her kitchen!

Birthday girl Jade

The birthday girl trying on her new shades!

My ice cream monster!

Attempting to knock the fish out!

Homemade play dough!

Showing Daddy her homemade play dough

Beating the heat!

Trying to talk Jade into climbing in the bounce house!

Enjoying the bounce house!

Peyton in her new little bikini passed down from her friend Sophia!


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So Saturday evening we went down to Comprehensive park to check it out and see what it was all about. The park has a WHOLE lot to offer! There are TONS of stuff, we only saw about a 1/4 of the park. Peyton got to play her little heart out! As for Tabby, he's still on 6 pills a day. He seems to be getting some of his spunk back...we've got another appointment on Saturday for an ultrasound to check his heart. I went bow crazy and got Peyton this headband. I have other pics I will post later. Playing hard! Loving on Tabby.