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So all of you related to me know I've been really into my families genealogy for quite some time now... since I was about 18! Recently I was searching one of Brunswick County Virginia's historical information sites. My Grandma's family has been concretely put in the Brunswick County area since the mid 1800's. I've discovered at least three family cemeteries, my Great Grandparent's had a Poarch cemetery on their property where my Grandparents are buried, a Taylor(My Great-Great Grandparents) family cemetery and now I've found photo's online of ANOTHER earlier Poarch cemetery! For all of you Patton's interested here is the link... this is where Peter H Poarch- Grandma's Great Grandpa- James Washington Poarch's Dad and his wife are buried along with some other family members. There is actually a lot of genealogy info on the site.


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