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Camera Phone Adventures!

Here are some photo's I finally uploaded off my camera phone...
Shimanchu was a fish place out Gate 3 Kadena we visited recently. The Butter Yaki & Pork Soba was fantastic! For anyone who wants to visit it's right next to Sun-Sea(Take a right out Gate 3 and it's on your left). We showed up right at 5:30 and it wasn't too busy but we were told show up right at 5:30 if you can because once the fish sells it's gone. I guess they cook the fish that's caught same day and there is a limited quantity available. 

We got the Butter Yaki
The Butter Yaki was Fantastic!

Homemade Naan bread

Peyton going down the slide all by herself!
Playing in the cool chairs at the Dr's office when she had her rash...


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