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Zoo shots & more to share...

Here are a couple more pics I wanted to share after I went through the zoo stuff...
Big hill we had to climb to get to the animals...

Peyton keeping up foreign relations! ;)

The kids loved Peyton- they were really sweet too!

Look at that tongue! 

This ones for you Oma! The elephant was made out of plants!

This was me getting Peyton as a bat!

Here are some other shots that were taken right before Adam left...
This is a shot Adam took of a surfer- I think it's a GREAT shot!

Everyone along the seawall shooting...

An Okinawa man invited Adam into his house when we showed intrest in his shell wall...

Another Oki stray...

This stray was going right up to the water!

This whole wall/fence was made of shells!
Last but not least- we miss you and love you Dada!! :D


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