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Feel for life...

I was thinking today that I haven't really posted any photo's to give everyone a feel for life here. So I strapped Peyton to me in the Mei Tei got my camera with the 50mm lens and off we went on a long walk! Here are some photo's that will hopefully give everyone a feel of our home for the next 4 years...
This is the park right by our house...

Roller slide @ Sunabe Baba Park

Shisa's greet you at most the homes by the sea wall...

Coastline by our house

This is the popular car on island- it's a Nissan Cube

FANTASTIC hamburger joint by our house

Love their entrance...

This is Peyton's new thing when I give her snacks on the coffee table! 

New sippy cup!!

Adam was throwing the ball up in the air and Peyton LOVED it!

She was laughing like crazy! I've got a video I'll try to upload when I've got more time.

Wrought iron on a house entrance

This Turkish restaurant is right by our house too- they've got great gyros!

Japanese kool-aid maybe?

I spied a photographer while I was snapping away- check out that lens!!

Closer view of roller slide

Entrance to park...

Swings at park

Our  row

Popular cafe on seawall

Part of island living is separating your trash...

One of the restaurants we like on the seawall


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