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Showing posts from 2013

Merry Christmas!

We hope everyone had a VERY Merry Christmas!!! We had a really nice Christmas, we were very thankful this year Adam was with us! I think Peyton got everything she wanted & Keira got LOTS of teething gifts. :) She just wants to put EVERYTHING in her mouth right now. Can't believe she's 6 months old now! The light pictures are from the light displays at American Village, I'm afraid they're not too great as I haven't practiced too much with taking night shots. 6 months! From the Children's Christmas party a few weeks back. Peyton meeting Santa! Giving Santa a thumbs up! Face paintings! Peyton & her friends at the Christmas party. Adam & Peyton rode the Ferris Wheel again...

Some current shots....

So... I need to start sharing pics on the blog more often. I hate the way Facebook makes my pictures look. It never fails... it looks so great on my monitor then I upload and they look like over sharpened crap. I still have yet to find a way to make them look like they do on my monitor... I've got the totally rad action, I've saved as png... still the quality is crap. If anyone wants to share a link to what they use please feel free!   Here are a few of my favorite shots I took of the Fabregas fam... This is probably my favorite photo of all time... LOL  

Maeda Point

So yesterday we decided to go down and check out Maeda point. It's very beautiful there, I don't know why we didn't check it out sooner! It's a very popular diving spot and they've got some beautiful walking trails too. Here are some shots from there... The beautiful Okinawan water I love! Divers in the water. Peyton posing with the shisa dog.

Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder(ANSD)

So... we've had a very busy month. Those that are close to us know that Keira had "referred" on all of her newborn OAE screens. She had an ABR(auditory brainstem response) performed at the naval hospital here in Okinawa and the audiologist felt she had mild hearing loss in both ears. However, she is not a newborn specialist so they flew us(Keira & I; we self funded Adam & Peyton for those of you that are military and wondering about aerovac) to Hawaii for confirmation & further testing. Once in Hawaii we met with a pediatric audiologist who was great and who gave us the diagnosis of ANSD. The way it was explained to us is there is a timing issue with the hearing nerve and the brain... it was described as an almost tuned radio, there is speech but it's fuzzy or distorted. The hearing loss with ANSD can range from mild to profound and we aren't sure how well... or not well for that matter Keira hears. Once she can sit unassisted they will perform behavi...