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So we survived the typhoon! We really had no damage- minus our light fixture on the balcony filled with water from the rain. Here are some pics since the last post...
Showing off her summer reading shirt!

Feeling the winds prior to the typhoon.

Hangin' out with little Johnny.

"Take a picture"

Camping out during the typhoon.

Playing with her flashlight.

Waves after the typhoon passed.

We got a diamond candle!

Foil packet from the diamond candle.

Ring from the diamond candle! It's a very large size so I had to wrap some pipe cleaners around the bottom so Peyton could wear it!

Very clear day- you can see all the way to Naha!

Playing at the seawall

Finally got to ride the elephant!

Sad but true...

Eating with chopsticks!

Sharing her special sundae with Daddy!


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