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Stateside fun...

So Peyton and I traveled to the states over Christmas! I'm not going to lie the first week was rough, on top of being sick we were severely jet lagged! After that though we started to enjoy ourselves!
Spying some birds @ kid's cove in Va Beach.

Peyton & her friend goofing around!

Back at home, up at 1am!

Decorating Granddad's Christmas tree!

Circus in Okinawa! No pics from the inside as camera's weren't allowed!

Decorating the tree with Granny. Momma was still sick at this point!

Dried up Little Bonable lake, when I was a kid this came up to my Dad's backyard. :(

Virginia Aquarium.

Big snapping turtle behind her!


Rainbow Springs state park.

Beautiful Rainbow River, Dunnellon, FL.

Peyton's scared face!


Face painting at the Lowry Park Zoo!

It lasted about 2 minutes after this!

You can barely see Peyton behind the people on the gorilla!


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