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So Tabby is home now. He's on six different medications a day :( We've got a check up on Saturday and they will re-evaluate his meds at that point. The Vet has told us he will need to be on heart medication forever. Peyton is very happy to have him home.
So happy to have Tabby home.

Comforting Tabby when we went to pick him up.

Seawall down by the house

She is obsessed with her new sandals and I bought them a size too big.
Singing ABC's while playing the xylophone

Never leave child unattended with Taco Rice

Cool pipe cleaner rings I found tutorial for on Pinterest
She loves it!

Jammin' out with her guitar

Bubble season is here!


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So Saturday evening we went down to Comprehensive park to check it out and see what it was all about. The park has a WHOLE lot to offer! There are TONS of stuff, we only saw about a 1/4 of the park. Peyton got to play her little heart out! As for Tabby, he's still on 6 pills a day. He seems to be getting some of his spunk back...we've got another appointment on Saturday for an ultrasound to check his heart. I went bow crazy and got Peyton this headband. I have other pics I will post later. Playing hard! Loving on Tabby.