Daddy and Peyton were ill the past couple days... some sort of stomach bug. Yesterday they were feeling a bit better so we went to the Toys R Us in Awase, it was pretty neat. Peyton ended up getting a bouncy ball that bounces REALLY high and a shopping cart full of stuff to go with her kitchen! ;) She spent all day yesterday driving the cart through the living room and putting stuff in and out of it! Drawing with her new window crayons. I love taco rice! Her new toy sushi and sashimi! Lately she's been putting goldfish in the old measuring cups I gave her for her kitchen then getting a spoon and eating them that way! Yummy! Home-made taco rice(an Okinawan specialty)!! Some of her new goodies for her kitchen! What a multitasker! Driving her cart and talking on her fake cell phone! Watching Elmo's World on the ipad Driving her new cart around! The new cart! What a bucket head! ;) Adam's home brew! He's aerating it here! ...