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Showing posts from June, 2011

Summer fun!

Before our bike ride! Gotta love the rise in humidity! After our bike ride! It was HOT! Fell asleep clutching a peanut butter cookie!

Pictures to share...

I thought this picture of Peyton was hilarious- this is how she started her nap today! The other is her ready to go to the park- those are my flip flops in her hands!

Summer heat

Boy has it been hot lately... the other day it was 99 with humidity at 80%! We should be getting a little relief in the next week... or so the site says. It should drop down to the high 80's but even when it's 88 it usually feels like 99! Being a goofball... she put this headband on while playing She couldn't wait- just jumped in with her clothes on!


So not much going on around here lately... Daddy's been working long hours and Momma and Peyton have been staying in to beat the heat! It's HOT! Hope everyone's doing well... Being a good girl eating her fruits! My own juice box!!! Uh Oh! She's got the remote!

Blog neglect...

So I've been neglecting the blog a little lately... not really a whole lot going on with us... it's been super hot and we haven't taken any exciting trips lately. I did however almost die the other night... this lovely spider was on our front door! Sorry for those of you that are sensitive but I don't handle spiders well and we weren't going to try to relocate it alive! Yuck! This thing was HUGE! I almost fell down the stairs after I spotted it on the door trying to run away from it- I had a laundry basket in my hands and dropped it on the stairs and tumbled over it screaming for Adam! Ugh. I'm still having visions of spiders and not sleeping well. Ick. So Peyton's new thing is sitting on the couch like Momma & Daddy do! She's so funny she'll have me put her up there and watch Mickey Mouse or Sesame Street! Daddy & Peyton coloring with Momma's old Crayons that Granddad sent! Beef & Broccoli Loves her naners! ...