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Showing posts from July, 2014


So... a blog post is a little overdue! I could of sworn I'd updated the blog since APRIL! Apparently I was wrong though. Things have been good with us... ahhh where to even begin... Keira now has hearing aids. We got them in April... she had a repeat ABR (here it's called a BEAR) and they also performed a CT & MRI on her at the Children's hospital here. Those were performed back in May. She also underwent an ultrasound of her heart just to make sure everything is good there. I guess with hearing loss there is the possibility of heart conditions. We were very grateful everything came back ok. However her CT & MRI did not come back typical. It looks like she has very thin auditory nerves which account for her hearing loss. Which also means she is NOT a good candidate for a cochlear implant. We've made lots of changes since first arriving and recently have started seeing a new doctor that we are much more on the same page with. For right now the plan is to spend so...